Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Trip to Salt Lake

Every year Jeremy's work hosts their convention in downtown Salt Lake City.  We were lucky enough to stay in the downtown Marriott and it was so convenient.  We loved being in America!  As soon as we walked outside from the airport we each took a deep sigh and commented on how peaceful and calm it was there compared to Paris.  We got to stay on the top floor and this was our view...good day SLC!

The convention center was right across the street and the hotel was connected to the new City Creek shopping center


The first morning we were there we met our good friend Merilee  at Faustina.  I had a warm puff pastry with cheese and eggs and some sort of guacamole dressing and it was fantastic...I highly recommend the brunch there!

Later that day we went to the Bountiful temple.  We had never seen so many people at the temple.  There must have been at least 200 people just outside waiting for newly married couples to come out.  It was so crowded inside but worth it!


That evening we went out with Marianne and Joe Finlinson.  We are terrible about taking pictures of them, but got one of their cute little boy Kent!

On Sunday we went to our old church and it was so fun to see old friends.  We hung out with the Kirkhams and Henries after and then walked around Temple Square.  If you have never been to Temple Square, here is a mini-tour for you!

Here is the Temple.  If you want to know what happens in the Mormon Temples you can check out this link: 


The Assembly Hall (where concerts or smaller meetings are held)

The Tabernacle (home of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir)

Beautiful flowers all over Temple Square

My favorite picture from that evening.  The sunset was beautiful, but sadly it was from the many wildfires in the valley.

This is the Conference Center.  It is where large concerts and conferences are held for the church.  It holds about 21,000 people, all with unobstructed views.  It's pretty awesome inside!  We took some of Jeremy's colleagues from France to "Music and the Spoken Word" on Sunday morning and they really loved it!

I wish I would have taken more pictures the rest of the week, but I was enjoying myself so much that I forgot.  Here are the few that I took...
Here is Jeremy after he ran his first 5K...he even beat Dr. Oz!

My new running shoes, I think they are Hunger Games - Girl on Fire shoes...maybe not the cutest but very optimal running shoes!

I got to drive up to Alta to see Bill Mattingly and Julie Sauve one was so great to catch up with old friends, I really miss teaching with them!

I also got to hang out with Erin Tall and her cute kids a few times and see Anne Marie Lloyd's new house.  Anthony Ball and Taylor Layton were in town and it was also nice to see them!  I think my favorite meal of the 10 days was at the Blue Lemon...delish!

One of the best things was seeing some family members:  Greg, Grandma, Aunt Stacey and Uncle Geoff, Lyndee and Jim and Kristie and Trevor and all of our neices and nephews that live in Salt Lake...they are growing up soooo fast.  It was fun to see the kids school clothes and backpacks!
Like our regular trips to the U.S., we loaded up on our favorite American products, our pile grew and grew as the days went by...

The Eiffel Tower has nothing on this!..Ha ha!


  1. Really wish we could have been there with you. Looks like you had a wonderful trip.

  2. Aimee, This is Dad...I really love your blog posts.
