Thursday, August 1, 2013

Paris Church

Many of you but probably not all of you have been in an LDS church before and know that they are pretty simple and a lot of them look the same (in the U.S. at least.)  I thought it might be interesting for some of you to see our church here in Paris.  So here is the basic Mormon church outside and inside:

Our Paris church is right next to the Georges Pompidou building (you can see it here from the front of the church.)  It is the building where the pipes and such that are usually on the inside of the building are now on the outside of the building.

This is the outside of the church building, it blends in nicely to the rest of the Marais district.

When you walk into the courtyard here is what you see, including the "parking lot" for church and residents that live above.  Jeremy and I drove there one Sunday and Jeremy swore to never do it again.  We didn't get there any faster and it took us forever just to shimmy our car into the narrow driveway and then park it.  We give props to the couple of families that drive every week because they have several kids...they even drive vans...they rock!

The upstairs is being renovated currently but is where the Bishop's office is, Institute and some class rooms.  Here is the beautiful stairway to get you there!

Here is the  Institute for Young Adults:  They also have a pool table, piano, etc. for college age students to relax and socialize.

Back down the stairs:

This is where the men meet and also where they have English translation broadcast into every week for the 40-100+ visitors that show up every Sunday, especially in the summer.  There is also Chinese translation (I think Mandarin) can see the headsets.

Now, I am not a dog fan, but even I cannot deny how cute this dog is...he is across the street from the church.

Jeremy's new "office" since he is the new ward clerk.

This is the nursery

and Primary Room...I am usually found behind the piano.

This is the chapel and the room that holds the most people, it is also where the women meet. 

 Hope you enjoyed the tour of the Paris St. Merri LDS Church!

1 comment:

  1. I love the staircase and the exterior of the building. The inside rooms look very much like the rooms of the church buildings in Lithuania, where I served my mission. The chairs are exactly the same, except for the color of the fabric on the seat. :) Fun to see.

    Oh and the pipe building is weird. Did they build it that way to make it unique or was it a necessity? I'm all for interior (hidden) pipes, electrical lines, telephone lines, etc.
