Monday, June 10, 2013

Everyday life in France

Although my travels are very nice and more fun to photograph, people tend to like my day to day activity blog posts here is what I have been up to...

This is where most days begin and end...the metro, we have a love/hate relationship.  I love that it is the fastest way to get anywhere in Paris and always on time.  I hate that it's not a car.

Sometimes I get to hang out with new friends and their cute kids.  This is Logan, isn't he a cutie?  We went to the playground at the Champs de Mars (aka the Eiffel Tower) because that is the closest to her life is surreal sometimes!  Below is Adalyn (Logan's sister) and Gabriel, a friend.  

Another of Gabe...

This is Thomas, he is Logan and Adalyn's little brother

Nap time

Lydia (mom) and Gabe.  I give her major props because she gets around Paris being pregnant with a little one and a hero!

Shannon with her kids

Here are my latest favorite Frenchisms...
I don't know if you can tell what this is, but it is at the train station in Paris.  If you want to power your phone or other electronic, you have to pedal your power...pretty ingenious I think.

So fun to run into these cute former students at church, I miss teaching and especially having such great students!
(Mariella Roberts and Lauren Bonan)

In case you ever move to Europe you should know that your dryer has a drawer that you need to dump water out of every load...where do I live?  :)

Anyone else find the French Snap, Crackle and Pop a little frightening?


  1. A few thoughts:
    1) You live in Paris!
    2) I'm in love with the "Pedal for Power" stations. The U.S. could use some of those!
    3) After my experience living in Europe, I'd say you're pretty lucky to have a clothes dryer. But yeah, emptying the water bin is odd.

  2. Claire, I am lucky to have a clothes dryer....for your amusement:
    1) We actually bought it when we got here because we didn't originally have one provided
    2) It is in a closet outside of our house
    3) I am totally lucky to live in Paris...though it is still a big adjustment
    4) Miss you and everyone in SLC..and singing!
